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Supporters Charter

Supporters Charter
Ayr United Football Club recognises the special relationship between the Club and its supporters. It also identifies and respects the invaluable contribution that Supporters make to the life of the Club.
Ayr United will endeavour to ensure that it’s practices and policies are communicated to the Supporters on a regular basis in an easily digested format in the Club programme, Official website, local press and social media.
The Club will endeavour to treat every supporter fairly and with respect.
The Club will review the Charter annually and changes will be made as necessary in line with guidance and recommendations from relevant governing bodies and supporters.
Community Strategy
The Club, along with Ayr United Football Academy appreciates its role within the local community. We undertake a responsibility to initiate and promote community-based initiatives and activities and to enhance the image and reputation of the community it serves. Through these schemes the Club promotes issues such as anti-racism, drug and crime messages and helping disadvantage groups. The Club supports community events and will encourage players and staff where possible to participate in public appearances and activities organised by the Club.
The Club commits to provide a quality service with customer satisfaction being a priority.
We strive to:
· Provide value for money in all areas of its business.
· Achieve the highest possible level of service
· Treat all customers in a professional and courteous manner at all times.
· Respond to contact from supporters as soon as possible unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
· Be financially viable
· Create a friendly atmosphere, safe environment and excellent service to allow everyone to enjoy all our matches.
· To attract support from the wider community, beyond Ayr.
· Provide or subcontract an appropriate catering service at each of the Club’s First Team matches.
All Club members, supporters and all applicants for employment will be regarded equally and be given equal opportunities in all aspects of contract irrespective of race, colour, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability or ethnic origin.
Complaints/requests or comments are requested to be made in writing by email or letter and we will respond in like form. In the first instance we are committed to acknowledge any correspondence within three working days of receipt and will endeavour to provide a full response within 10 days.
· The Club continues to strive for wider access to matches by offering a range of Season Ticket and individual match prices to reflect demand and affordability.
· Concessions are available for OAPs over 65, under 18s Disabled Supporters and full-time students.
· Carers attending with a Disabled supporter will be admitted free-of-charge. Full details can be found in our Disabled Supporters Policy.
· Match Tickets will not, under any circumstances, be refunded if the match has to be abandoned after the match has kicked off. However, in the event of such abandonment occurring before half-time, at the very least a voucher will be given to all spectators on departure allowing free admission to the rescheduled fixture, as per Ground Regulations.
· Season Ticket holders will be given the first opportunity to purchase Cup match tickets prior to the tickets going on general sale
· As a rule, ticket refunds are only issued in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Club.
· The Club abides by the rules of football’s governing bodies to the allocation of tickets to visiting club supporters
Match Day
The Club will endeavour to provide a safe, trouble-free environment for all spectators and provide a quality service through our turnstile staff, catering outlets, stewards and all other staff employed on match days.
In return the Club expects spectators to:
· have a great day out at Somerset Park and all away matches
· abide by the Ground Regulations and Unacceptable Conduct Policy
· enjoy the camaraderie of being a supporter of the Honest Men
· refrain from using foul and abusive language
· avoid taunting or gestures of a racist or obscene nature
· inform members of the security staff regarding anyone breaching the Ground Regulations or Club’s Unacceptable Conduct.
Ayr United will take steps to prevent people from behaving in a manner likely to jeopardise the safety and enjoyment of others or bringing discredit to the Club. This includes the throwing of articles onto the pitch, running onto the field of play and the chanting of obscene, sectarian and racial abuse. Spectators who persist in such a manner will be liable to ejection and possible banning from the ground. Our Unacceptable Conduct Policy is available to read on our website and at various places around the ground.
Club flags and banners as well as any official national flag are permissible provided they do not carry any additional religious, racist or other derogatory messages. Flags/banners must not interfere with the viewing capabilities or safety of other spectators, therefore Surfing flags are not permitted in the ground. In addition, flags and banners must not be allowed to obstruct advertising boards or directional signage.
Ayr United will not knowingly buy goods from any supplier or manufacturer who does not comply fully with labour, safety and other relevant laws of the countries of manufacture with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, overtime, sick pay and holiday entitlement. Ayr United opposes the exploitation of child labour. No orders will be placed with suppliers employing child labour under the age allowed in the country concerned. Legitimate apprenticeships or education related work is acceptable as long as there is no risk to the children’s health or safety. Suppliers must not use forced labour and must practise universal respect of human rights and freedom for all, without discrimination because of race, sex, language or religion.
This Charter underpins other specific policies, such as:
· Unacceptable Conduct Policy
· Disabled Supporters Policy
· Anti-Discrimination Policy
· Ground Regulations
Copies of these policies are available on our website and posted around the ground. Copies are available on request from the Administration Office at Somerset Park, Tryfield Place, Ayr KA89NB. Or