Former Players Club
On Saturday 8th October 2022, at the home game against Queens Park, we officially launched the Ayr United Former Players Club.
This saw several former players grace the hallowed Somerset turf at half-time to promote this new venture.
The Former Players club aims to reach out to ex-players to ensure they still have and maintain contact with the club, attend home games and engage with supporters young and old.
We also envisage that this initiative will help our members stay in touch with each other through social, community and sporting activities.
As well as social and community engagement the former players will also have access to other club initiatives such as walking groups, Football Memories, walking football and pastoral support via club chaplain Jim Smith.
We had 11 former players attend the recent Queens Park home game and we hope to see this number grow and the expand to become an integral part of the club and community.
If you know of, or are a former player, please get in touch with Andy McInnes at andy.mcinnes@aufa.org.uk to register and for further details.